Matching Athletes to Businesses Coffee Shops Boutiques Restaurants Car Dealerships Non-Profits Salons Gyms Smoothie Shops Barbers Book Stores
Providing you opportunities to get positive results from athlete marketing.
Who are you?
- Risk-free sign up
- Keep 100% of the earnings
- Quick payout with exclusive opportunities
- Choose specific causes and industries you want to support
- 1:1 premium support
- Save time with our customized marketing plans
- Be the first to capitalize on college athletes
- We help you earn a positive ROI and provide great value
Here's how it works:
Sign Up
Athletes create a profile and businesses submit a form so we can gather your campaign details
Get Paired
We match you based on your preferences, timeframe, needs, and wants
Watch Your Email & Text
Keep an eye on your inbox and phone. We will contact you with new opportunities based on your preferences
Agree & Complete
Agree to the opportunity terms and reservation agreement, and payment will be processed within 48 hours of completion
In the Media:

We're here to help
Whether you are curious about our features, how we support athletes and local businesses, or even press, we are here to answer any questions.